Eat your heart out, Hannibal Lecter
Your charismatic, opera-loving cannibal kin, one Mr. Zyclo, is asking after names and offering mysterious sausage over at the Children's Theatre in Minneapolis. As enacted by Steve Hendrickson in a killer performance, Mr. Zyclo is both scary and engaging in a campy sort of way. His frisson-filled scene, suggestive of both "Silence of the Lambs" and "Sweeney Todd," is but one of the elements that add to the excitement and power of "Anon(ymous)," a one-act that premiered Friday.
--Rohan Preston / Star Tribune
If you're up on your Homer, you'll recognize — among other parallels — that Rosanna Ma's long-suffering sweatshop worker is the sought-for Penelope; that Steve Hendrickson's deliciously ghoulish turn as a one-eyed butcher represents the Cyclops and that Sonja Parks' comely surfer-girl-cum-spiritual-guide is a stand-in for the goddess Athena.
--Dominic Papatola / Pioneer Press
Steve Hendrickson [is outstanding] in a macabre sequence involving an opera-loving serial killer
--Quinton Skinner / City Pages

march 30, 2006